I never thought of trying them, really. Plus, to be honest, even though i was traveling with fellow colleagues, i just got to know them in the last 24hours. So, it's dubious and totally unlike me to get high with strangers. Sorry, i'm not a very spontaneous person.
But i didn't want to let down the instigator, so i agreed, albeit very reluctantly.

I didn't take in a lot, only about 3 stalks. 10mins into the first dose, none of us felt anything (by the way we were all just lying around in bed watching tv waiting for something to happen. so lame right). So we considered the possibility of being cheated into buying regular (bad tasting) mushrooms. Josh even considered taking a second dose ("where is mario???").
Somewhere after 20mins later.
"Do any of you feel a bit dizzy?"
"Yes yes yes!"
"Mario is coming!!"
"I feel like puking."
"Please, the bin is there."
"Wicked mushrooms."
30mins later. Incidentally, Nip Tuck was on tv.
"Do you all feel the curtains moving closer?"
"Is the ceiling very near me?"
"The curtains are moving!"
"Where got."
"Omg you're right! grace look! you have to stare!"
"Something is in the curtains! Go someone go and check!"
"Don't have lah."
"Shit you disturb my curtain show. we're watching the curtains."
"Ooh the curtains are breathing."
"Nice description."
I got up to pee.
"Guys you all have to stand up and walk around. the whole room is swaying!"
"Isit! come come."
Sex scene starts unfolding on tv.
"Wei why Nip Tuck is liddat one???!!"
"You dunno meh?"
"This is amsterdam. they never censor."
"Eeee omg."
I lost track of time already.
"I'm so sleepy."
"How tomorrow how to wake up for tour."
"Everything is moving! The tv is getting nearer and nearer!"
"Got meh."
"I'm so sleepy but i can't sleep."
"Play daidee lah."
I proceed to explain daidee rules to grace, obviously not too successfully.
"Where did you get the playing cards."
"Orh hor you steal."
"Is the load always full?"
"What kind of question is this??"
"Are we playing or not."
"I want to sleep already."
"How long?"
"What kind of question is this?"
"You all SO funny."
"The towels are moving."
As we began to get bored of the "curtain show", we switched off the lights to try and get some sleep. Yet it felt like.... drinking coffee after a long day of hard work. I was exhausted yet my brain was still buzzing with life. AND i was still feeling dizzy and pukish.
T: "I keep waking up!"
D : "Huh? you went to sleep already ah?"
J: "You deja vu ah?"
T: "Yes! yes deja vu!!"
D: "You ok or not?"
T: "No i'm not. I keep waking up!"
D,J,G: "Hhahahahaha."
T: "You guys are going to experience it later."
1min later.
T: "Did we just talk?"
J: "No."
T gets up to pee. 1 min later.
T: "Did i go to the toilet just now?"
J: "No."
T: "Are you sure? I keep waking up!"
T kept up with his "i keep waking up" speech for the next hour, convinced that we would get hit by the same deja vu effect soon. But eventually non of us did and we all fell asleep and woke up at intervals to discuss our very vivid dreams.
Very, very weird, but interesting.
Overall, we did laugh a lot. Josh asked if this was better than getting drunk and i said when i drink a lot i just felt very sleepy. Experiences varied with different individuals. Some experienced certain effects faster than others, perhaps depending on the dosage. Some had effects which others don't (such as deja vu). It wasn't exactly pleasant cos physically i felt quite bloaty, dizzy and pukish. After a while my limbs felt kinda numb like when you're down with a very bad flu and my body felt like it was floating on water.
But it was so much fun to see others doing and hear them saying stupid things, provided if you are conscious enough, which i was. I did not have much hallucinations as well, only swaying objects (due to the dizziness i presume) and changing shades of colours in the curtains. Don't ask me why only curtains.
Do note that this was all done in Amsterdam which was legal. They sell these all over the streets, including souvenir shops that you buy those keychain clogs.