I visited the pyramids in Egypt,

cuddled a lion and

fed a giraffe in South Africa,

marveled at the Blue mosque in Istanbul,
seen the Swiss Alps in Switzerland...
took a picture with the Sydney Opera House...

belly dance in the desert,

visit an old gold market and creek,
Ok after posting all the photos i actually feel quite cool. Hahaha thick skin. But something that bugs me is that along with this job, i meet a lot of random people. And i tend to wonder if these random people are friendly to me cos of my status. (not that i have a high status duh of cos but people tend to think it's very glam. which is UNtrue). Now even when i meet old acquaintances they are extra friendly to me. Not that i do not enjoy this sudden surge of affection from people, only that it makes me feel fake. Or maybe they are not extra friendly, i think too much. You think?
But i guess i understand the natural reaction cos when Ian (the drunk one) told me he's now a film producer i was going all "WOW SO COOL do you get a lot of girls who want to sleep with you". He said he was gonna make our new safety video. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!
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