Hello i'm back to blog again. Why am i so free ah? Cos it's my 5th off day in a row! Omgomg! Why is this happening. I had 3days off after my 8day flight, yesterday was on standby but NOT called up! Arghh! So i'm not working again. I dunno why i'm complaining, i should laugh to the sky that i get to slack at home. But you see no work equates to no pay = a poor me. And i'm bored too cos it's fabulous friday but everyone is either working or writing thesis. *jumps around in tantrum*
All of you should go traveling to help the economy. SQ is having many promotions. Go go!
Again, i dunno why i'm complaining.
I should make good use of my off days to take a break, reflect, search my soul and find myself back. *lost*
OK so i went to Dubai! Woots! Charles works there so i was granted a mini drive around and tour explanation plus some insights of an expat (well almost 90% of the people here are).
When i first saw the city, the initial impression was "sparkling". Lol cos my first view was from the plane as it was landing at night, and there were bright lights everywhere. The roads i saw looked straight, systematic and even had brillant lights distributed in equal distance (sounds familiar?). Although i'm sure what i saw was the most developed of the city, but wow i like sparkling! I almost thought i was going home.
By the way this was an 8day long flight. A singapore-dubai-istanbul-dubai-singapore 4 sector flight.

Clockwise from top left: Tallest building in the world.... still under construction. The Burj Dubai. I think it's gonna be sensational. We drove through the business area. Many buildings under construction! Dubai is going through major changes... fast! Keep your eyes peeled.
See the pinkish houses? I was told that for each wife a local man takes, he gets a (huge) sum of loan interest free, PLUS a house. So under the muslim law each man can take 4 wives right? Hmmmmm.......
No wonder the people i see working are either indians/indo/ang mo while local men stroll around the malls rubbing their big round tummies.... Not bad a system huh. The tiny pool of locals supported by foreign taxes and skyrocketing rents. Ok not to mention oil. And you can never be part of them if you're not arabian.

The mall of Emirates. A dip made of chick peas with a plate of sour vegetables, sour cream with olives, thin pita bread, raw vegetables as appetiser (hur?), mixed kebab with fries. That's my first meal in Dubai! Yummy yummm!!! Loved it. Was thinking of where i could get lebanese food again in Singapore haha i'm crazy.

So there's this puesdo skiing resort in the mall except that it looks real. With genuine slopes and chairlifts! But 80SGD for 2hours hurhur no thanks. And then my friend's Porche haha thanks ah for the ride.

World's tallest hotel! Wished i had the opportunity to visit the islandisland thingy i think they called it palm or something. Maybe next time.... sure will get dubai flight again! By then maybe they would have completed the world's tallest building haha!

We got a free drink coupon! Crew is typically yao gui one so of cos we went to redeem. We sat there for a good couple of hours enjoying the live music, free flow chips and that ONE free drink. Yao gui right!

Next day we had chinese steamboat hahaha! Don't gimme the you're-in-arab-what-are-you-doing-in-a-chinese-restaurant look cos we don't care and we lack no opportunity to taste middle eastern cuisine.
Their sauces are..... indescribable. 3DHS per plate and "don't waste"! The grand master gourmet chef (that would be me) created a potent sauce consisting of garlic sauce, peanut/seafood sauce and coriander leaves. Taadaa! Die die must try!

It's early renuion dinner! Heehee! Yuan yang guo rules!

Chocs and nuts is like THE crew joint. I dunno how it happened cos it is nowhere near the hotel. VERY popular now cos of CNY! Yayyyieeee. In fact cashew nuts, pistachio, chocolates and such are cny staples!

The legendary Angsana suites. Stayed here for the last leg of the flights.
Have you ever seen a kitchen in your hotel room??? So extravagant and utterly useless. Why would i wanna wash clothes or cook food on my one night stay huh! Just shiok to look at :)

Ordered food delivery alll the way cos seems like the hotel room was too nice for the rest of the crew to step out. Chicken kebab, naan, lassi, raw vegetables (popular appetiser, apparently), and some curry and chick pea sauces.
See the briyani on the left? It sucks!!!! Cos they left out the curry sauce. Rarrrrrr whatsthisman.


Take a bath! Wooooooooweeeeeeeeyayyyyyyy!!!!
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