I really don't mind going to India (among the moans and groans from my colleagues), other than the dust and frequent stares from the locals (men). Time seem to pass especially fast onboard ("viskey vater!"). Plus you only need to serve one meal, compared to Aussie where you get one more hour of flight time but gotta serve one more meal???? Bo hua!!!
The hotel is always grand, clean, and i always liked India Indian food. Even the triglyceride-choked food catered onboard is super shiok (lamb gholash with
insert names of exotic spices and vegetables that i cannot pronounce).
This is the new Crowne Plaza at New Delhi. Be my judge!

This was taken outside the bathroom.

Tadaa! Watch TV while bathing!

OK in case you are not alone, use the remote control to let down the blinds.

Welcome to my room!

Do i see fruits??!

Even the toilet bowl has a room by itself.
You know how when you read Enid Blyton and you wish that one day when you open your wardrobe you'll step into wonderland?

This is my wardrobe.

Let's open up...

Push the back of the wardrobe... huh! There's light!


Enter the bathroom through the wardrobe! Cool shit!
Since i've been bluetoothing photos from my phone i might as well bluetooth the cutest marshmallows i've ever seen.

Looks like tang yuan!! So tiny and round and cute! QQ~~~~~~
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